Roberto "Tico" Gonzalez

Detailed Information

Roberto “Tico” González

A native of Havana, Cuba, Roberto has an intense passion for the arts and his culture.  In 1997 he graduated from the Institute of Higher Education of Havana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Audiovisual Communications Media.  He also studied music at the Ignacio Cervantes and Félix Varela conservatories in Cuba.  In his professional life, he combines his two great loves: the production of videos and the creation of original musical compositions on his acoustic guitar. Roberto has more than twenty years of experience working in a variety of community and public radio and television stations in Cuba, Costa Rica, and the United States. He has spent the last twelve years working for Tualatin Valley Community Television (TVCTV) in Washington County producing video and television programs.  A selection of his best videos have won multiple national awards at the annual National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) festival. For Roberto, also known as Tico González, telling stories that reflect the life experiences of human beings, either through audiovisual art or musical composition, forms the essence of his creative expression. For more information you can visit his website: